Here's an overwiew of what we've done this first week.

We started out on Wednesday evening by taking the new table to the computer lab. We didn't know it was so heavy! Some kids arrived later... and they lost part of the fun. All the pictures in this post, except for the last one, come from a video shot by María Santiago.

Then we had to glue the mat to the table and go throught the list of missions to double check we had everything in place.


Starting work on one of the robots... Six hands is better than two - particularly if they pull the same brick from opposite directions!

First try: Not a straight line, but once we know we can make this thing run, sky's the limit.

A close miss on the reef mission!

Straight to the broken section in the pipeline! (A pity it didn't quite work out the same later...)

And on Friday, in class, the whole group tries to create new blogs and answer IS 93's questions.
I am shaking my head with disbelief! You guys are really taking off! Truly amazing!
Thank you for the answers to our questions on our Research Project Blog. I see you have fun with Lego Robots. It was interesting to talk with all of you on Skype.
Ola Xosé.
Hoxe,26 de xaneiro, Lucía, María e eu conseguimos que o noso robotito tocara a un tiburón, desplazara o arrecife, reparara o oleoducto, cubrise os aparellos da prospección petrolífera e subira pola rampa móbil (e baixara despois)
Estamos feitas unhas expertas robóticas.
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